- Argus (Artificial Rendering for General Ultra-Systems) has sent a team of researchers back to Earth to respond to a signal received from an old memory bank.
- Once on Earth the researchers scan each card to discover more about what happened to Earth. Each card will return to an interactive story for the researcher to learn more about the person who belonged to the card.
- The game is split between two decisions, do you leave or do you stay?
- I.e do you believe climate change will ruin the planet or do you believe it will be okay?
What each person will need to come up with:
- Name
- Living Location(s)
- Social Status
- Occupation
- Ages for when big decisions must be made (no more than 4).
Name: Sloan Marie (Sammy)
Profession/Employment: CEO of E.E.S (Environmental Emergency Solutions)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Decision Ages: 37
Name: Chadwick Matthews (Damola)
Profession/Employment: Pathologist
Location: Boston, MA
Decision Ages: 30
Name: Sienna West (Sienna)
Profession/Employment: President of North American Territories
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Decision Ages: 45
Name: Wallace Gabriel (Ian)
Profession/Employment: Political Activist
Location: Washington, D.C
Decision Ages: 18, 24, 50
Name: Claire Cooper (Fer)
Profession/Employment: Elementary school student
Location: New York City, NY
Decision Ages: 10
Character Details
Character Details
Character Details
Character Details
Character Details
Background and Context
In the year 2550 humans have evolved, the planet has undergone hundreds of cycles of change, and technology is completely integrated in all areas of daily life. To live without technology is not imaginable for those living during this time. Resources for survival and operations of all magnitudes use technology by utilizing robotics capable of intelligent interactions. It is routine for research teams to explore areas of the world previously abandoned for various reasons and on an excursion to one of these areas an artifact is found.
The artifact in this example resembles a flat piece of plastic, but contains engraved lettering in a foreign language on its surface. As a researcher you naturally store this artifact for testing back in the lab where an advanced device can tell you what it is. After scanning, it’s discovered that the thin item contains data in an ancient format no longer used. The purpose of the device appears to be to store and retrieve information about the user. The old technology may need to be converted into a newer form in order to become visible to the user. When activated, an interactive menu appears that allows you to explore the experiences and records of that person. The menu is organized by year and event, allowing the viewer to pick specific sections to view if they so choose.
The main experiences, memories and records visible on the device include those related to climate change and the impact on this particular person’s life. The artifact serves the purpose of spreading awareness and showing people of the future what life was like in 2050. The awareness being spread will be for climate change and its negative impacts in our society today, as shown through one person’s life. This will show the people of the future how small negative impacts can turn into something bigger. If climate change is still an issue in the year 2550, then possibly the artifact can serve as a useful tool.
Sloan Marie
Character Details
Possible Big Decisions:
- Argument (or conversation) with dad about climate change threats (age 14)
- Where to go to college (university of California Berkeley | University of Chicago) (18)
- What to study in college (engineering climate solutions, business minor, geography & business) (19)
- Volunteer red cross engineering department or volunteer humanitarian relief (24)
Accept the C.E.O Position (30)
- Various decisions about necessity of products (possible something to do with rising sea levels + melting glaciers and wildlife, forest fires, switching to corn fuel and sustainable farming)
- Take shuttle to Mars, stay back to help solutions and live in bunkers (or some sophisticated “weatherproof” structure)
Reflection (Sammy)
I think that our project is actually running very smoothly. As a team, we have not run into any major problems. Each person is responsive and willing to step in where they can. As far as individual contribution, I have been trying to get everything done in a timely manner and carry my own weight. I have helped with idea creation and thought leadership as well. Although, as I stated before, everyone in the team is doing an excellent job at pitching in when stuff needs to be done.
Our idea is to use an NFC tag so I think that if there is going to be any hiccups in our project it would be with the tags. Such as if someones app is not working properly or if their phone cannot register the sticker. Other then that, our Twinery outlines are the only other complicated process in which Ian has been a MAJOR help in explaining and being patient with those of us who are not as tech savvy.
Chadwick Matthews
Character Details
Possible Big Decisions
- Contemplates with himself if he wants to go into the science field or become a filmmaker (age 15)
- It takes him a year to decide, and he wants to go into the science field specifically pathology after his grandmother suddenly died. Death still unknown (maybe something to do with climate change) (age 16)
- Graduates M.I.T. with a bachelor's and Medical degree in scientific research and discovery, then starts a full-time job at a hospital studying unknown infection that had killed 30 patients (age 22).
- Gets promoted and works for the CDC in Congo to oversee a huge case of Ebola and looks for solutions (age 28)
- Finally discovers what the unknown virus was killing all the people throughout the years, but dies by a stroke before sharing it with the world (age 30)
Reflection (Damola)
I couldn't ask for different team members, everyone gets along and communicates well. We have not ran into anything major that has or will set us back and if we did we will communicate with each other and handle it accordingly. Everyone brings their own views and ideas to the table and well all give our opinions on everything we discuss. Ian has been great at coming up with different way of how we can make our game interactive and fun through the use of NFC tags.
As for me I contribute by making sure I complete my work on time and by texting the group weekly to see if they need any help or clarification on anything. So far I have learned lot of things such as three dimensional design on creating something, how to use 3D printers and creative storytelling.
Sienna West
Character Details
Possible Big Decisions:
- The air quality is becoming extremely poor in North America.
- As president you need to find a way to save your people from dying off due to the exposure.
- Your options are to build a clear bubble around all of North America, where you will be able to regulate and cleanse the air.
- But:
- No one would be able to leave the bubble
- Or:
- Continue to allow your people to be living how they are now, but have to wear special face masks when outside to keep the toxins out.
Reflection (Sienna)
I think that our project is going really well so far. We have all worked well together to create everything, offering each other ideas and a helping hand when needed. We have not run into any big setbacks or issues so far. We have simply changed and expanded a few things to further elevate the final product. For instance, we changed the design of our 3D printed component so that it had a better thickness to it.
As for my individual contribution, I have made sure to meet our deadlines and get everything in on time. I also helped with writing up the story and other outlining components when needed. I, along with all of the group members have been available to help and have contributed to each component of the project. We split everything up fairly evenly so that everyone is responsible for their own piece of the project. Ian especially has been a huge help in making sure that everything is properly working when it comes to the tech side of things.
Gabriel Wallace
Character Details
Possible Big Decisions:
- Decision #1:
- Stay in New Zealand (birth place) OR go to the United States of America at the age of 18.
- Staying in New Zealand means studying locally and staying occupied as a local business owner (will eventually lead to leaving to US, but with funds).
- Leaving to the United States means starting with nothing and working while going to school and studying politics.
- Decision #2:
- Play by the rules and not be an influential political figure OR bend the rules and try to change the Earth with a bit of force
- Playing by the rules means you have a high risk of not making much of a difference. It seems only the most lude get where we all want to be.
- Using a bit of force means calling in some outside help to get messages across to voters, even at the risk of endangering people.
- Decision #3:
- Stay on Earth to because it is your avatar now OR leave because after so much damage caused by your forceful ways you'd have better chances on Mars.
Reflection (Ian)
Overall I am very pleased with the current progress made with this project. Each member has been able to apply their own skills in a unique way that contributes to each element of our final result. Damola frequently comes up with creative ways to add detail to our story and Fer and Sienna are great at helping to make sure we’re on track with our goals. Sam as well makes sure that our outlines and documentation is well organized ensuring that we’re all communicating.
While I handle some of the technical parts of the project I have a lot of help from everyone in the group in exploring new ways to apply them. I believe this is project has a lot of potential and I’m excited to finish and see the final result.
Claire Cooper
Character Details
Possible Big Decisions:
- Argument with parents about not wanting to move even though climate change is making NYC unlivable?
- (Climate change in New York City could affect:
- Buildings/structures
- Wetlands
- Water supply
- Health
- Energy demand (due to the high population and extensive infrastructure in the region).
- A seaport like New York is especially at risk if the sea level rises, with many bridges and tunnels in the city.)
Reflection (Fer)
I believe the project is going well, our team works great together and we have a fun time trying to come up with creative stories and characters. I think our biggest strength as a group is that we communicate well with each other which leads to good teamwork. Every member brings something creative and useful to the table. There hasn't been any issues with our group and I believe it's because we all want to do the best we can.
Our team is trying to explore the ways to make our project item work and Ian has been great at coming up with a design for our cards. The first attempt wasn’t great because the card wasn't the right material or thickness. But, when it was fixed, it looked super cool and I am excited for it! I think everyone on this team has a role whether that is handling more of the technology side, having creative ideas or keeping all our assignments organized.
New York Climate Change:
Weather in 2050: