Art Book Review
Contributions By:
- Damola Muse
- Fernanda McGregor
- Ian Bryan
- Samantha Flores
- Sienna Knox
This book is an interactive book that comes in a cigarette container, within this container there are several small booklets with cigarette covers. Within each booklet is a variety of comics, each with a different theme. The team chose this book because it was an interesting, unique and different take on an artist book.
This is small pink booklet that the artist created to reflect what is often not talked about in the world of online dating. Simply constructed, each passage is a message that the artist received on her dating profile that she never responded to. The group chose this book because it was different from the first one, yet still unique in it’s own way. With little of the artists own words, she is able to convey her message clearly.
This book is a pop up book, this one is constructed in a much more complex form than the first two. It consists of two photos and two passages per “page”, for which to flip through to follow the story.
We chose this book because it as beautifully arranged, there was obviously a lot of hard work put into this book. Different from the first two in structure and content, this gives us a better understanding of the variety in which we have when creating a project of our own.
Individual Reflections
Sammy Flores
I went into this book review not entirely clear what to expect, but once I started poking around the books and witnessed the variety i was working with I became very interested. The books are so creative i had a lot of fun looking at all the different types. We chose the three we did because they were all very different from one another.
As for teamwork, I believe everyone in our team is eager to help out where they can and are very communicative about their availability and how they can pitch in.
I think we are all still unclear about what to do for our project, especially because we have not met in person yet. But i think that looking at the different art books was a great start to show us what other people have done and thought of.
Fer McGregor
When I went to the library with Mark to look at the books, I was not sure what to expect. When I realized they were not like every other book, I was pleasantly surprised. It was really fun getting to see how a book can be so much more creative and fun that just words on a page. I like that these books give us a different way to interact with them unlike other books and some of them don’t even look like books, like the cigarettes one. I think getting to look at these books, it gave me and my team a greater understanding of what is expected of us for the project. I am excited to come up with something creative like this!
Sienna Knox
After viewing each of these art books in the library, I was immediately thrown off by the design of the books. Each of them are so unique, and none are like any other book I had seen before. For instance, Attempted is shaped like a cigarette packet, Okay Cupid Messages I Have Not Responded To possesses a unique design and typewriter-like font, and The Fire Dogs of Gamag Nara has one of a kind collaged pictures and a folded layout.
Due to each individual design, the creative types of artwork, the ways in which the words were laid out, and the other unique qualities, the art books were more fun for me to view and read compared to a regular book. They are not simple, plain and to the point like a normal book with strictly a cover, pages and text, but add more layers and dimensions to reading. They also seem to be much shorter than a standard book. I enjoyed how each art book made it feel more like a hands on and interactive experience when I was reading each one, rather than a task of reading.
Ian Bryan
Each book that was reviewed had a number of special qualities that I felt appealed to me for different reasons. I enjoyed the variety in each book’s design that seemed to all be purposeful in the way they were getting the reader to interact with the content. The first book utilized dark humor to open a discussion with the reader about what an addicted smoker might joke about. I found it quite funny at times and ignorant for some others, but it was able to provoke a reaction with each comic out of being able to relate.
The use of color and text was also noticeably different for each book which highlighted the content well, such as with the book about the fire dogs. The contrast of black and vibrant illustrations worked well visually and draws the reader’s attention to and from the text to the images. Each book allowed the reader to maintain their focus on a single area without limiting the scope of the message that was being delivered. These special books gave some new perspectives on what type of project I think can be appropriate. Literature seems to be important and a project reflecting how design and literature can influence each other may be able to represent how the world was 50 years from now.