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This project is a collaboration between myself, Justin, Seoul, and Orion who all worked on individual areas of this project. My main role was to oversee any technical aspects of the project and take lead on the coding and development 

Originally this project was intended for finding one possible solution to the struggle and stress of remote collaboration but we quickly left that behind, tested a bunch of new ideas for a while, and then finally settled on a game. Our goal with making a game was to inspire people and facilitate a fun experience for them while they play. We set out to make multiple games that only featured a couple interactive mechanics but we found that it was much easier to make one game and put all our efforts into it. The final result from this year's capstone is a bullet-hell game called "Graduator".



In my first year of this program I was in a class with Mark Chen who always like to come up with some pretty wild and fun concepts to theme his classes around. One class was themed around speculative design and we were tasked with finding a way to use story telling to make an interactive experience. We also needed to find a way to include a physical piece that demonstrated what we thought our digital artifact might be delivered in if we were 500 years into the future. This was probably the most fun I've had during a project because I love to work with both physical and digital elements to create something new and memorable for people. 

Some parts of this project like the 3D printing and story telling I had never done before so I needed to both learn and experience for myself for the first time and it was amazing. Working with FreeCAD, an alternative to Autodesk's AutoCAD software, I created some "cartridges" that would eventually go on to hold the NFC tags that I programmed to send a user to a website that hosted different interactive stories that each person in my group made. 


Project in Action

Project in Action
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